
Here you can download the PDF of the musical score.

Below you can see the piano waterfall. In the waterfall you can turn tracks on and off, change the speed, pitch, put the song on loop and maximize the piano waterfall.

If you have a midi keyboard, you can connect it to your computer and play along with the song, noting the mistakes and hits of notes.

Game: Rockin' Kats

Composer: Haruo Ohashi

Platform: Nintendo

Number of Songs on Game: 20


Other Songs for Rockin' Kats on Nintendo

Approaching the Boss

Composer: Harumi Fujita

Battle With Mugsy

Composer: Jun Funahashi

Bonus Game

Composer: Masashi Kageyama

Channel 1 - Downtown Street

Composer: Iku Mizutani

Channel 2 - Sky Ace

Composer: Nobuyuki Shioda

Channel 3 - Playland

Composer: Harumi Ueko

Channel 4 - Western Adventure

Composer: Jun Funahashi

Channel 5 - Mugsy's Hideout

Composer: Harumi Fujita

Game Over

Composer: Haruo Ohashi

Lose A Life

Composer: Haruo Ohashi


Composer: Jun Funahashi

Paused Game

Composer: Kouji Murata

Stage Select

Composer: Haruo Ohashi

The Subway

Composer: Haruo Ohashi

Title Screen

Composer: Iku Mizutani

Vertical Shaft

Composer: Mitsuhito Tanaka