War Torn 2

Here you can download the PDF of the musical score.

Below you can see the piano waterfall. In the waterfall you can turn tracks on and off, change the speed, pitch, put the song on loop and maximize the piano waterfall.

If you have a midi keyboard, you can connect it to your computer and play along with the song, noting the mistakes and hits of notes.


Other Songs for Vampire Savior on Sega Saturn


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Credits (2)

Composer: Masato Kouda

Credits (3)

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Deserted Chateau

Composer: Masahiro Ikariko

Deserted Chateau (2)

Composer: Michiru Yamane

Deserted Chateau (3)

Composer: Motoaki Furukawa

Forest Level

Composer: Masato Kouda

Forever Torment

Composer: Miyako Koda

Intro (2)

Intro (3)

Composer: Masato Araikawa

Iron Horse

Composer: Takayuki Iwai

Select Screen

Composer: Masato Kouda


Composer: Masato Kouda

Unborn Fetus

Composer: Takayuki Iwai

Vanity Paridise

Composer: Takayuki Iwai

Vanity Paridise (2)

Composer: Takayuki Iwai

War Torn

Composer: Masato Kouda

Weird Tower

Composer: Masato Kouda