Bonus Stage - "Bonus Time!"

Here you can download the PDF of the musical score.

Below you can see the piano waterfall. In the waterfall you can turn tracks on and off, change the speed, pitch, put the song on loop and maximize the piano waterfall.

If you have a midi keyboard, you can connect it to your computer and play along with the song, noting the mistakes and hits of notes.

Game: Donkey Kong Country 3

Composer: David Wise

Platform: Gameboy Advance

Number of Songs on Game: 26


Other Songs for Donkey Kong Country 3 on Gameboy Advance

Bonus Lose

Composer: David Wise

Bonus Stage - "Bonus Time!"

Composer: David Wise

Bonus Win

Composer: David Wise

Cabin - "Brothers Bear"

Composer: David Wise

Cave - "Cavern Caprice"

Composer: Eveline Fischer

Cliffs - "Rockface Rumble"

Composer: David Wise

Cliffs - "Rockface Rumble" (2)

Composer: David Wise

Cranky Mini-Game - "Cranky's Dojo 2"

Composer: David Wise

Cranky's Dojo - "Cranky's Dojo 1"

Composer: Eveline Fischer

Furnace - "Nuts and Bolts"

Composer: David Wise

Jungle - "Jungle Jitter"

Composer: Eveline Fischer

Lake - "Stilt Village"

Composer: Eveline Fischer

Level Clear

Composer: David Wise

Map Screen - "Northern Kremisphere"

Composer: David Wise

Mill - "Mill Fever"

Composer: Eveline Fischer

Pipes - "Pokey Pipes"

Composer: Eveline Fischer

Riverbank - "Enchanted Riverbank (Underwater)"

Composer: David Wise

Riverbank - "Enchanted Riverbank"

Composer: Eveline Fischer

Snow - "Frosty Frolics"

Composer: David Wise

Stampede Sprint - "Chase"

Composer: David Wise

Title Screen 1

Composer: Eveline Fischer

Title Screen 2

Composer: Eveline Fischer

Toboggan - "Hot Pursuit"

Composer: David Wise

Treetops - "Treetop Tumble"

Composer: David Wise


Composer: David Wise

Waterfall - "Cascade Capers"

Composer: David Wise