All Games Available - Page 2 of 81

Mega Man

Platform: Nintendo

84 songs available.

Final Fantasy

Platform: Nintendo

84 songs available.

Mega Man X2

Platform: Super Nintendo

81 songs available.

Lufia 2: Rise of the Sinistrals

Platform: Super Nintendo

81 songs available.


Platform: Sony PlayStation

79 songs available.

GoldenEye 007

Platform: Nintendo 64

79 songs available.

Sonic 3D Blast

Platform: Sega Genesis

77 songs available.

Mother 3

Platform: Gameboy Advance

77 songs available.

Phantasy Star 4

Platform: Sega Genesis

77 songs available.

Kirby Super Star

Platform: Super Nintendo

77 songs available.


Platform: Super Nintendo

76 songs available.

Sonic CD

Platform: Sega CD

76 songs available.

Sonic Advance 3

Platform: Gameboy Advance

76 songs available.

Donkey Kong Country

Platform: Super Nintendo

75 songs available.

Castlevania 3

Platform: Nintendo

73 songs available.


Platform: Nintendo

73 songs available.

Super Mario Bros.

Platform: Nintendo

72 songs available.

Jazz Jackrabbit

Platform: DOS & Windows

71 songs available.

Animal Crossing

Platform: Nintendo GameCube

70 songs available.

Kingdom Hearts

Platform: Sony PlayStation 2

68 songs available.

Sonic Adventure

Platform: Sega Dreamcast

67 songs available.

Super Mario Land

Platform: Gameboy

66 songs available.

Mega Man 9

Platform: Nintendo Wii

66 songs available.

Sonic CD

Platform: Sega CD

65 songs available.

Super Mario Kart

Platform: Super Nintendo

64 songs available.

Tales of Symphonia

Platform: Nintendo GameCube

64 songs available.

Cave Story

Platform: DOS & Windows

64 songs available.

Mega Man 8

Platform: Sony PlayStation

63 songs available.


Platform: Nintendo

63 songs available.


Platform: Sega Master System

63 songs available.

Sonic Advance

Platform: Gameboy Advance

62 songs available.

Mega Man 5

Platform: Gameboy

61 songs available.

Legend of Zelda, The

Platform: Nintendo

61 songs available.

Final Fantasy Mystic Quest

Platform: Super Nintendo

60 songs available.

Breath of Fire 2

Platform: Super Nintendo

59 songs available.

Golden Sun: The Lost Age

Platform: Gameboy Advance

59 songs available.

Mario Kart 64

Platform: Nintendo 64

58 songs available.


Platform: DOS & Windows

58 songs available.

Star Fox

Platform: Super Nintendo

58 songs available.

Super Metroid

Platform: Super Nintendo

58 songs available.

Legend of Zelda, The: Oracle of Ages

Platform: Gameboy

57 songs available.

Guardian Legend, The

Platform: Nintendo

57 songs available.

Rockman & Forte

Platform: Super Nintendo

56 songs available.

Castlevania Bloodlines

Platform: Sega Genesis

56 songs available.

Final Fantasy III

Platform: Nintendo

56 songs available.

Tales of Phantasia

Platform: Super Nintendo

55 songs available.

Super Mario Land 2

Platform: Gameboy

54 songs available.

Sonic Adventure 2

Platform: Sega Dreamcast

54 songs available.