
Vigilante is a side-scrolling beat 'em up game where players assume the role of a martial artist seeking to rescue a kidnapped woman from a gang. The game features various urban environments and allows players to fight enemies using punches, kicks, and special moves.

Year: 1988

Platform: Sega Master System

Number of Songs: 23

Songs for Vigilante on Sega Master System

Ending (FM)

Composer: Kouji Kikkawa

Game Over

Composer: Martin Galway

Game Over (FM)

Composer: Kazuo Sawa

Round 1 - City Streets

Composer: Katsuhiro Hayashi

Round 1 - City Streets (FM)

Composer: Kouji Kikkawa

Round 2 - Junkyard

Composer: Nobuhito-Khono

Round 2 - Junkyard (FM)

Composer: Kozo Nakamura

Round 3 - Bridge

Composer: Kozo Nakamura

Round 3 - Bridge (FM)

Composer: Kouji Niikura

Round 4 - Downtown

Composer: Kouichi Yamanishi

Round 4 - Downtown (FM)

Composer: Katsuhiro Hayashi

Round 5 - Construction Sites

Composer: Martin Galway

Round 5 - Construction Sites (FM)

Composer: Kazuhiro Hara

Round Start

Composer: Nobuyuki Shioda

Round Start (FM)

Composer: Katsuhiko Suzuki

Story 1 (FM)

Composer: Martin Galway

Story 2

Composer: Martin Galway

Story 2 (FM)

Composer: Noriyuki Iwadare

Title Screen

Composer: Martin Galway

Title Screen (FM)

Composer: Kazuko Umino

Unused Music

Composer: Kozo Nakamura

Unused Music (FM)

Composer: Kouichi Yamanishi