
Athena is a platform game where players control the titular character, a warrior princess who embarks on a quest to rescue the kidnapped Prince from an evil sorcerer. Featuring colorful graphics and a unique gameplay mechanic that allows players to collect various items and power-ups, the game combines elements of action and exploration in a mythological setting.

Year: 1987

Platform: Nintendo

Number of Songs: 10

Songs for Athena on Nintendo

Game Over

Composer: Michiharu Hasuya

Game Start

Composer: Michiharu Hasuya

World of Cavern

Composer: Michiharu Hasuya

World of Forest

Composer: Manami Matsumae

World of Hell

Composer: Michiharu Hasuya

World of Ice

Composer: Michiharu Hasuya

World of Labyrinth

Composer: Michiharu Hasuya

World of Sea

Composer: Hiroaki Yoshida

World of Sky

Composer: Girigiri Saikyou Dan